Comprehensive Lab Testing

A core belief here at Regenerate Health is to take a deeper look at the cause of illness, rather than only cover up the symptoms. Comprehensive specialty testing helps you find the root causes of your concerns. At your initial appointment, you and your naturopathic doctor will select the appropriate lab tests to run in order for you to achieve optimal health.

Getting to the Cause of  Symptoms

RHMC offers specialized lab tests to assess the following:

  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Thyroid & Adrenal Function
  • Micronutrient Deficiencies
  • Digestive Function
  • Food Sensitivities & Allergies
  • Neurotransmitter Levels
  • MTHFR & Other Genetic Variants
  • Blood Sugar & Appetite Control
  • Cholesterol & Cardiovascular Risk Status
  • Heavy Metal Testing
  • Inflammation and Oxidation Markers
  • Chronic Infections
  • Cancer Markers & Risk Status
  • And more!

Lab Tests Available at Regenerate Health Medical Center in Santa Barbara

Comprehensive Hormone Testing

Hormones regulate all of our bodies functions – from sex drive to building muscle and metabolism, our hormones play a vital role in our health and wellbeing. Does your body feel sluggish, heavy, and uncomfortable? Has your sex drive gone down or are you experiencing PMS symptoms? Assessing hormones is an indispensable aspect of getting your body back on track! Hormones are often assessed via blood testing but at Regenerate Health we primarily do urine testing. By measuring the urine at specific time points, we can see how the body is producing, metabolizing and excreting.  This is by far the most accurate method to determine your hormonal cycle as well as the effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Comprehensive Digestive Testing
Digestive function is paramount for a healthy body including immune system and cognitive function. With today’s stressors and increasing antibiotic use most people have altered digestive function leading to a broad array of symptoms including irritable bowel, brain fog, joint pain, autoimmune diseases, etc. Stool testing will identify what is going on inside the gut so the best treatment plan can be customized and implemented for you.
Food Sensitivity Test
Although not called a true allergy, food sensitivities are a major underlying cause of many people’s symptoms, such as fatigue, joint pain, depression, and much more. This test covers 184 different foods and will show your IgG (delayed response) and/or IgE (immediate response) antibody levels.

MTHFR Testing

MTHFR is an enzyme necessary for an important metabolic process called methylation. It is this process that converts folate and folic acid into an active form the body can use. The MTHFR gene produces this enzyme, but a genetic mutation can inhibit its function and result in a wide array of symptoms.

Heavy Metal Panel

It’s a toxic world out there. Lead, mercury, arsenic, and many other metals can shut down the body’s ability to function. These metals can affect all of your body’s systems especially the nervous system. If you or a loved one has unexplained symptoms of diseases such as neuropathy, Parkinson’s, or dementia, this test is a must to determine if heavy metals are a burden to the body.

Oxidative Stress Test

This is a quantitative test to measure how many free radicals are damaging your DNA. Free radical damage increases the chances of cancer, cataracts, and wrinkles, all diseases of aging and toxic burden.
Adrenal Stress Test
Stress is a part of daily life, but we are designed to handle short term stressors, not so much long term stress. Chronic stress over time takes a toll on our bodies resulting in altered stress hormone output. This test will show over the course of the day how your adrenals are functioning so that the best treatment plan can be implemented.
Micronutrient Profile
Is your body getting all the nutrition it needs to maintain health at the cellular level?  Are you well balanced?  This test measures is a comprehensive array of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants inside your cells and assists in designing a treatment plan to restore balance for the whole body.
Gluten & Celiac Panel
Offers a clear answer to the body’s reaction to gluten, wheat, barley, rye, and spelt. Determines whether a person has Celiac Disease, gluten sensitivity, and/or gluten allergy.
Neurotransmitter Levels
Neurotransmitters are the brain chemicals that influence and regulate a wide range of processes such as mental performance, emotions, pain response and energy levels. Neurotransmitter function has a profound influence on overall health and well-being and imbalances in certain neurotransmitters are associated with depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, Loss of mental focus, Addiction and dependency, Hormonal imbalances, and Loss of appetite control, amongst others.
Genetic Testing
People often blame their health on their genes, however this test maps out the entire genome and the doctor will interpret key genes involved in health and metabolism and show you if you carry a certain marker for more serious diseases.  As an added bonus, you can see your ancestry and potentially connect to long lost relatives and aid in pre-conception health if you are starting a new family.
Cardiometabolic Panel
Cholesterol is a broad topic in health, especially in cardiovascular disease management. This panel takes an expanded view of not only cholesterol, but different markers of health for your heart including blood sugar and diabetic markers.
Glutathione Test
The most powerful antioxidant that your body produces. This test shows how much you are producing and if it is available to scavenge free radicals. A great combination to add to the Oxidative Stress Test.

RHMC can help you find the root causes of your illnesses with Comprehensive Lab Testing. Schedule with us to get started.

RHMC can help you find the root causes of your illnesses with Comprehensive Lab Testing. Schedule with us to get started.

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