Regenerative Medicine Program

Santa Barbara Regenerative Medicine Program


Pain occurs for many reasons. Finding out why and helping your body restore it’s natural function, pain free, is what we do.

You want to get out of pain and or regain function that you’ve lost – the Regenerative Medicine program was designed or you! What you likely haven’t been told is that treating pain takes a comprehensive approach to get your body to a point where it can heal itself, otherwise the fix is temporary, like a cortisone shot, for example. Often times the body needs help to get out of pain, and that’s why we facilitate advanced healing and accelerate recovery. We prepare the body for the procedures by activating the immune system, supporting the processes of tissue repair, charging the body’s battery and creating an optimal healing regimen. The Regenerative Medicine Program works with your body to achieve the results you want by combining cutting edge technologies in a proven proprietary process to maximize your body’s healing capacity. 

Pain doesn’t have to get you down or stop you from living your life. Trust the process, decrease pain, improve function and get you back to you!

Take the survey to see if you qualify for non-surgical pain relief:

Why The Regenerative Medicine Program?

At Regenerate Health we are committed to achieving the best results with our patients. Through this proprietary program, we ensure that the injections themselves are able to do what they do best, which is to kickstart the healing process in the effected area, thereby facilitating increased function and decreasing pain. The injection itself is not what does the healing, instead it is your body’s ability to respond to the injection catalyst and heal the injury/degeneration. We prepare the body for the procedures by activating the immune system, supporting the processes of tissue repair, charging the body’s battery and creating an optimal healing regimen.

Over the years Dr. ACE has worked with many doctors, and has seen Regenerative Medicine be both incredibly effective, as well as ineffective. She started to investigate why some patients responded well and received not only pain relief but also increased function, whereas others responded with only mild results. Since Regenerative Medicine is the catalyst that activates the body’s capacity to heal an injury, damaged tissue or instability, Dr. ACE realized that supporting the body’s physiology and capacity to self-heal was the key. We do this via our proprietary program that combines Anti-inflammatory Nutrition, Hormone Optimization, IV Nutrient Therapy and Guided Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) to maximize the regenerative healing and pain relief your body is naturally capable of.

Here’s How It Works

  1. Get evaluated by Dr. ACE by scheduling a Pain Consult.

  2. By the end of your evaluation, you will establish a recommended course of action.

  3. Schedule your Injections, Intravenous Nutrient Therapy & PEMF sessions.

  4. Adhere to the dietary, lifestyle and supplementation protocol your doctor prescribes.

  5. Reevaluate your progress with your doctor to ensure proper healing.

Your success will depend on your ability to adhere to the protocol

We work with your whole body to restore function, decrease inflammation and other triggers of chronic pain.

Treatments available through the Regenerate Medicine Program


Prolotherapy harnesses the body’s natural healing ability as a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain, arthritis and injuries. Minimal down time with better results than surgery or drugs.

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy are one of the most talked about and exciting treatments for pain. This super-charged injection harnesses your own growth factors, offering potent pain relief.

MSC Therapy

MSC therapy deliver the building blocks for new tissues directly to the site of damage or injury thereby delivering the most effective healing results in as little as one treatment.

Guided PEMF Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) via guided technology harnesses electromagnetic current and achieves unheard-of accelerated healing, decreased pain as well as many other benefits.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone stimulates local circulation and growth factor production by oxidizing blood cells. This helps reduce damage in areas that contribute to chronic pain and boosts your immune system.

IV Nutrition

IV Nutrient Therapy (IVNT) is the process of giving concentrated levels of vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, botanicals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream through an IV. Boosting athletic performance and recovery. 

What types of Orthopedic Conditions does Dr. ACE treat?

As a Naturopathic Doctor with extensive physical medicine training, Dr. ACE specializes in Regenerative Injection Therapies for acute and chronic musculoskeletal joint conditions in athletes and active individuals. Click here to see relevant research on Regenerative Injection Therapies.

Conditions that generally respond favorably to Regenerative Injection Therapies:

  • Acute joint injuries
  • Chronic joint pain
  • Whiplash pain
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Arthritis
  • Knee Pain
  • Torn meniscus
  • Low Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain (acute or chronic)
  • Degenerative Joint and Disc Disease
  • Herniated Discs
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries/Tears
  • Labral Tears (shoulder/hip)
  • Sprained Ankles
  • Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
  • Unstable joints
  • Ligamentous Laxity
  • Many more

Conditions that do not respond favorably to Regenerative Injection Therapies: 

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic myofascial pain syndromes
  • Severely herniated discs
  • Central Spinal Stenosis
  • Complete Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Frank Surgical Conditions
  • Pain from Cancer
  • Pain from Autoimmune Conditions

Do you qualify for a non-surgical solution to your pain?

Please click on the survey button to see if you qualify for a non-surgical solution to your pain.

After completing this survey, the doctor will review it and schedule a free 15 minute phone consult with you to answer any questions you may have and explain treatment options. Dr. ACE focuses on treating the root cause of your pain versus only managing the symptoms.

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