Amira’s Story

Name: Amira Brown

What was your reason for coming in to see RHMC & Dr ACE?

Over a year ago is when I injured my knee. It prevented me from walking properly, and being a student, I could barely walk to class. Even working out came to a complete halt, which was very depressing for me. First I tried to let time heal it, then went to countless doctors, and multiple physical therapists. I was running out of options and after a year of frustration, I was introduced to Dr. ACE. After running multiple tests, I found out that it wasn’t only my knee that was the issue, I had multiple other health issues including an infection that I wasn’t aware of that was preventing me from healing in the first place.

In what ways has this care benefited you?

After addressing those issues with quality supplements, change of diet, multiple PEMF sessions, two courses of PRP, and working with a new physical therapist, I am now able to continue my physical activities like I used to, that I never could have been able to attempt before I came in to RHMC. I’ve gone from experiencing pain from the slightest bend in my knee to being COMPLETELY PAIN FREE!

Why would you recommend Dr ACE and RHMC?

 I would recommend Dr. ACE and RHMC because, with Dr. ACE being a Naturopathic Doctor, her approach is different than other medical professionals. She looks for the root cause of the problem and wants to prevent future health issues from occurring in the first place, which in my case, has been the only successful approach when no other medical professionals could help me. YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH SUCCESS!


Dr. ACE works with you to achieve your individualized goals through targeted, proven and scientifically based nutritional protocols.
Dr. ACE works with you to achieve your individualized goals through targeted, proven and scientifically based nutritional protocols.

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