Kristine’s Story

Name: Kristine Grimaud

What was your reason for coming in to see RHMC & Dr ACE?

I felt desperate for answers, I was kind of falling apart. I knew something was wrong with me but every Doctor and Practitioner I turned to, told me I was fine.  I just knew with certainty that I should not be feeling the way I did. It was such a frightening time, I became increasingly anxious knowing something was not right,   but not knowing what or to what extent. 

I could barely function, I was not sleeping and could not think straight. 

I kept turning to new Doctors and Specialists, but everyone kept telling me I was healthy and to just manage the pain I was experiencing, as there was no treatment for whatever I thought was going on. 

I felt  paralized and lost and began to isolate myself from life and from my children and grandchildren. I could not even muster up enough energy to spend time with my family or let them visit me.  Additionally I was taking a lot of horrible pain medication to try and manage my pain and it seemed to make me sicker and feeling worse. I was not living my life any longer and needed to find answers.   

In what ways has this care benefited you?

Coming to RHMC has been truly life altering. I have gained extensive knowledge about health and wellbeing, this has helped me comprehend what was actually going on with me and my body as a whole. 

Dr. ACE took the time to truly listen and educate me on many aspects of ill health.  RHMC has provided me with solutions and the support to achieve my optimal health. Mainly I have adapted a complete change in eating habits and lifestyle that has made a massive difference. Amongst a multitude of dysfunctions, I found out I was pre-diabetic with dangerously high cholesterol and I have been able to reverse this 100% without prescription medication or toxins. 

I also lost a lot of weight, not that I was looking to lose weight, but it is certainly a welcomed added benefit and has contributed towards my overall wellbeing. My anxiety has decreased substantially and I feel a zest for life again. I find it so empowering to be in the driver seat of my health journey. Finding in Dr. ACE someone who believed and trusted me and who was willing and able to work with me was not only essential to reverse many of my health challenges but it has completely changed my outlook on life. 

I want to share with other people that health is complicated and it is essential to persevere and find someone who will work with you and is committed to figuring out the root cause of dysfunction, versus throwing medicine at the problem, which only masks the real issue and ultimately causes your health to decline even more. 

I have renewed hope and now believe that there is usually  an answer to be found. 

I want to encourage anyone who is going through anything similar not to give up hope, there is help. 

Why would you recommend Dr ACE and RHMC?

Dr. ACE and the entire team at RHMC have given me renewed hope and a positive outlook on life again.  Everyone has been so wonderful and supportive. I have regained the ability to live life to its fullest. I have renewed energy, I am going to the gym regularly, I am traveling and going skiing again and I am as active as can be. Most of all I am happy and I am back to enjoying time spent with my children and grandchildren. I am finally able to be an active participant in their lives. Nothing gives me more joy than to have the energy to keep up with them all.

Lastly, I want to send a message to anyone who finds themselves feeling hopeless and desperate for answers or just  feeling off on their health. There is help, there is a solution and there are answers, I found my answers at Regenerate Health Medical Center. Don’t give up !

Dr. ACE works with you to achieve your individualized goals through targeted, proven and scientifically based nutritional protocols.
Dr. ACE works with you to achieve your individualized goals through targeted, proven and scientifically based nutritional protocols.

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