Lauren’s Story

Name: Lauren Fuhrman

What was your reason for coming in to see RHMC & Dr ACE?

I literally called Dr. ACEs office in tears because I was so fed up with my health conditions. I was tired and hopeless in the way I was always feeling, and the long road I had been down of doctors, surgeries and medications that only helped me temporarily. I had been dealing with severe sinus problems and many other ailments surrounding my sinuses for over 10 years and I was hopeless for a more permanent ‘cure’. I had seen countless specialist whom would take 30 seconds to ‘diagnose’ me and then give me steroids and antibiotics send me on my way. These specialist never took the time to figure out why I felt the way I did, or why my symptoms kept coming back. I was feeling my worst, drained, utterly exhausted, in pain, moody, depressed and hopeless. I found Dr ACEs number on the internet and called them right away, they got me in that next week and from my first consultation I knew that this was the right place for me and that my life would be forever changed.

In what ways has this care benefited you?

One of the best and initial ways that Dr Ace’s care has benefited me was that she took time to talk with me. She listened to me, my story, my symptoms and asked me questions about my past that I never thought would relate with my current symptoms, but which actually did. She took the time to get the full picture and see my body as a whole. This new approach to life that Dr. ACE has helped get me to, is a lifestyle change for me, not just a diet or a cure for my symptoms. I have been seeing her for almost a year now and I can say that my health has improved tenfold, I still have a long road of recovery, but I’m feeling so much better and now I have hope and a plan.

Why would you recommend Dr ACE and RHMC?

I seriously recommend Dr ACE to all of my friends…and strangers! She has taken such care of me and my health that I feel as if I have a friend I can call when I’m not feeling well and she’ll advise me what to do. She will take the time to listen to you and she will look at your body and your symptoms as a whole and help you make the appropriate lifestyle plan for you and your road to recovery. I love Dr ACE and all the staff at RHMC and I wish all doctor offices were as caring and amazing as they were!

Dr. ACE works with you to achieve your individualized goals through targeted, proven and scientifically based nutritional protocols.

Dr. ACE works with you to achieve your individualized goals through targeted, proven and scientifically based nutritional protocols.

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