Athletic Performance Medicine

RHMC is Santa Barbara’s Athletic Performance Medicine Center

Natural Athletic Performance Medicine is a holistic, comprehensive approach to sports injuries and performance. It is key that athletes’ hormones, digestive health and immune systems are well functioning to avoid burnout, injuries, and frequent illnesses. We take an in depth approach to optimizing your body so you can excel in your sport, while decreasing your risk of injury and down time.

Most conventional sports medicine treatments have a short-term pain relief benefit but rarely result in complete healing or recovery There’s more to sports medicine than ice, pain medications and compression! With our cutting edge therapies and perfomrance plans, we not only reduce pain and recovery time from injuries, but also prevent future injuries, while optimizing your current performance. 

As an athlete, Dr. ACE is keenly aware of the importance of supporting and optimizing her health  to boost performance. As a previous endurance athlete, now power athlete, Dr. ACE has been through too many injuries, over trained herself several times and knows what it feels like to have performance drop drastically. The good news is, by following these same protocols, she has also come out the other side feeling in top shape and ready to compete! She is an expert in sport nutrition, supplementation, hormone balancing and natural pain relief therapies. We look forward to boosting your performance and keeping you healthy for the long term. 

By educating athletes on how to nourish their bodies, including supportive nutrients, and understanding any metabolic, genetic variants or inefficiencies, recovery and performance drastically improve. 

We believe in having a Doctor on your team year round to assist you in creating and maintaining amazing health. Investing in your long-term health, gives you access to a team that is dedicated to you like family.⁠ Do you want to feel your best ever, knowing you’re addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, so you can easily maintain optimal health?

Athletic Performance Medicine available at Regenerate Health Medical Center

Clinical Nutrition

For athletes, fueling your body is paramount. RHMC doctors will evaluate your biochemistry, genetics, blood type, possible food allergies, exercise demands and other variables before creating a plan for you.

Hormone Optimization

Your body can only perform as well as your homrones allow.  Healthy hormones are crucial for athletic performance. Curious what your hormone levels look like? Get tested today to maximize  recovery, performance and longevity.

IV Nutrition

IV Nutrient Therapy (IVNT) is the process of giving concentrated levels of vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, botanicals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream through an IV. Boosting athletic performance and recovery. 

Options for Treating Sports Related Injuries at Regenerate Health Medical Center


Prolotherapy harnesses the body’s natural healing ability as a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain, arthritis and injuries. Minimal down time with better results than surgery or drugs.


PRP Injections are one of the most talked about and exciting treatments for pain. This super-charged injection harnesses your own growth factors, offering potent pain relief.

Medicinal Signaling Cell Injection Therapy

Medicinal Signaling Cell injections deliver the building blocks for new tissues directly to the site of damage or injury thereby delivering the most effective healing results in as little as one treatment.

Ozone Injections

Ozone injections stimulate local circulation and growth factor production by oxydizing blood cells. This can help reduce the damage in areas which are contributing to chronic pain.

Trigger Point Injections

Need immediate relief from pain or spasms? This fast acting therapy gets your pain under control. 

Soft Tissue Release

The feeling of “tightness” in muscle groups can be relieved by manual therapy. Decrease adhesions, facilitates proper circulation, lengthen tight muscles, restore normal movement and decrease pain. 

Guided PEMF Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) via guided technology harnesses electromagnetic current and achieves unheard-of accelerated healing, decreased pain as well as many other benefits.

Kinesio® Taping

Kinesio Taping has become the gold standard for therapeutic rehabilitative taping. Our proprietary method of taping uses a uniquely designed and patented tape for treatment of muscular disorders and lymphedema reduction.

Common Sports Related Injuries Treated at Regenerate Health Medical Center in Santa Barbara

Muscle Pain & Spasms

Spasms and excessive pain are often the result dietary and digestive deficiencies. If malabsorption or vitamin deficiencies exist, spasms, crapms and pain may result, and can lead to injuries. Through our Athletic Performance Medicine program and taking an in-depth look at gut function, we can determine if you are absorbing the nutrient you need (vitamins & minerals) and minimize injuries. 


Most people feel fatigued with hectic lives and increasing demands of work, family, training & stress. If fatigue persists despite rest or if your performance has declined, it is important to look into WHY the fatigue is still present with in depth analysis. It may be an easy fix or it may be the result of a more significant underlying health issue. Prioritizing your health before serious symptoms present, allows you to minimize further exhaustion, injury and pain. 

Joint Pain

Joint pain can have numerous causes and it is important to distinguish between joint damage, instability or injury as compared to systemic inflammation, hormonal imbalances or nutrient deficiencies. We take an in depth look to determine what YOU need to boost your performance and conquer the pain so it no longer interferes with your training. We can eliminate your joint pain by restoring function through Regenerative Medicine as well as treating any underlying systemic causes.

Strains & Sprains, Tendonitis & Bursitis

Don’t just take anti-inflammatory medications – they inhibit cartilage repair while allowing the injuries to further progress. With our natural athletic performance medicine approach and our cutting edge therapies, we accelerate the healing process and effectively treat your injuries.

Frequent Illness & Immune System Support

Did you know that Athletes who exercise more than 8-10 hours per week have a higher likelihood of catching colds, flus and stomach infections? Increasing your resiliency before the onset of illness allows you to train better, race better and stay healthy doing it! Our programs are fitted to each athlete’s needs and designed to give you the confidence you need to be at the top of your game knowing your immune system can get you through to the end.

Weight Loss, MedFitness , and Fitness Programming Services at RHMC

Medically Supervised Weight Loss

Ready to lose weight in a sustainable and SAFE way?! RHMC develops a personalized weight loss program for each individual. Programming depends on hormone imbalances, digestive problems, toxins, food intolerances, and emotional factors.

Medically Supervised Fitness

Ready to get fit and healthy without injuries? Been afraid of exercise because you hurt yourself in the past? Your Doctor a will work directly with our in-house strength & conditioning professionals to create a custom fitness program to meet your health and fitness goals. Safe. Effective. Custimized for you.

Individualized Fitness Programming

Tired of starting a fitness program and never finishing it? In need of a plan on how to achieve your health and fitness goals? Work directly with a professional strength & conditioning coach to get a weekly fitness program that keeps you safe, improves your strength and keeps you committed to achieving the results that you’re looking for.

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