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Back to School – Six Tips !

Healthy Living, Kid's Health, Nutrition

The Kids are headed Back to School

  Is everything ready?

✔️ Registration Complete
✔️ School Supplies Purchased
✔️ Class Schedule Received
✔️ Wardrobe Shopping Done
 ✔️ Lunch Account Filled

Yup! Definitely ready for back to school!!

Or Are You ??

Going back to school can be a time of high stress including a lot of time prepping for and anxiously awaiting the first day of s chool.Here are six tips to add to your checklist to get you or your children ready for the school year ahead.

Six Back to School Tips for Parents/College Students

**Bonus: Recommendation for a few natural supplements to help retrain your brain for the strenuous workload ahead!)**

1.) Return to a regular sleep schedule—(with good sleep habits!)

During the summer we often let ourselves stay up late, since we can often sleep in, but that won’t work when the school year comes around. About 2-4 weeks before the start of the school year, begin to go to bed at the time you would during classes so that your body has time to adjust to the new schedule. This will allow you to sleep and wake easily and support energy levels and mental clarity going into the school year. We recommend 8-10 hours of sleep per night and in order to support quality sleep, be sure to turn off all screens (TV, laptops, tablets) an hour before bed time to reduce excess brain stimulation before sleep. Check out a similar article that discusses more about screens and the different light waves and how your brain reacts to them to help improve these habits and succeed at going back to school here: Sunshine: What You Need To Know

2.) Create an agenda and obtain the proper school supplies

Having an agenda will help you with organization and time management during school and after school activities. This is a key to knowing what you need to accomplish, by when, and helping you reach your personal and academic goals. The proper school supplies will allow you to participate in class and can even make it more appealing to take notes and do your homework!

3.) Plan healthy snacks and lunches

Keep healthy snacks on hand such as protein bars or shakes, trail mix, air popped popcorn, fruits and veggies to avoid mindless eating or late night junk food snacking. Meal planning will also help avoid the impulse consumption that happens when your blood sugar crashes after long hours of classes/studying. Not only is good nutrition important to maintain an optimal blood sugar, but also to keep you energized and your brain fueled.

4.) Create an appealing homework place and do not procrastinate!

Having a comfortable place to get work done will facilitate time for homework and studying. This place should be quiet, well lit, stocked with supplies and free from distraction. Additionally, decide when in the day you will do homework (right after school, before dinner, after practice, etc.) so that it becomes part of your daily routine. Things can always be changed later, but having a space and time will help get things started on the right foot from day one.

Procrastination – is something we have all been guilty of at some time or another. A habit is created (or broken) in 21 days, so studying everyday (even a little!) for 3 weeks will positively impact your grades and focus. Be sure to plan out your courses and work a little every day on each course will help you succeed in returning back to school. Another helpful tip- print out your syllabi and write in your agenda when a big project or test is and when you will work on them.

5.) Plan activities and downtime

It’s important for the body and brain to move and be active. Exercise supports mood, energy and focus so make sure you plan some time for exercise. This could be going to the gym, doing yoga, walking or running, etc. Exercise will help alleviate stress, give your body and mind a break and support your mental health. Equally as crucial for mental health is time for play, relaxation and personal time. Relaxing and playing is needed no matter what age you are!

6.) Create a list of goals for the new school year

According to a study on goal setting, people who wrote down their goals were much more likely to achieve them than those who didn’t. When you write down what you want to achieve, you are much more likely to remember, envision, plan for and track your progress toward that goal. This activity is motivating and allows you to more easily carry out what needs to be done to reach your goal.


Supplements for brain health, longevity and focus

Gingko biloba for focus and mental sharpness

Fish oil, salmon, nuts, avocado for brain health & inflammation

Eleuthero and Rhodiola for longevity and healthy energy

Bacopa monnieri for memory

– LEARN more about brain health, energy and avoiding brain fog!

– GAIN valuable information and understanding to get on track with your health goals!


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