This guide explores naturopathic approaches to detoxification In the picturesque landscapes of Santa Barbara, individuals seeking holistic wellness can benefit from the expertise of a Naturopathic Doctor. This guide explores naturopathic approaches to detoxification...
What is IV Therapy Useful for? You may or may not have heard of Intravenous Therapy (or IV therapy for short) and many of us automatically associate IV Therapy with the hospital. And while that is a common time to utilize IVs, there are many other benefits and more...
Chronic disease is on the rise and has become the largest driver of health care costs. 31.5% of Americans suffer from more than one chronic condition and it tends to go that the more conditions one has, the more expensive the prescriptions become. High blood pressure...
How Probiotics Support Immune Health 5 steps to a healthy microbiome “Seventy percent of the immune system is located in the gut,” says David Heber, MD, PhD at UCLA health. Your gut, skin, nose, and airways are home to trillions of tiny bacteria and other...
Food Affects Mood More in Women! Women. Do you ever notice men in your life who can seemingly eat whatever they want and still feel fine, while you make the slightest dietary discretion and end up moody, irritable, or anxious….research now shows that this phenomenon...
Safety of Supplements We often get questions from patients about where to get supplements or if the ones they are currently using are of good quality. The safety of supplements is a reoccurring theme in our office and we want to give you the tools understand the...