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Did you know you could PREVENT eczema, food allergies, ADHD and other illnesses that plague children these days?!



Dr. Alioto here and I am so excited to be a part of the team at Regenerate Health Medical Center. Pediatric and Family Medicine is one of my favorite things about being a Naturopathic Medical Doctor!

Why is it important for your children’s health to be addressed early on? I’m glad you asked!

Did you know that our intestines are home to over a trillion different bacteria that comprise the microbiome, or more simply, our gut’s ecosystem? These bacteria, which is a word that often has a negative connotation, are actually beneficial and play a key role in the development and maintenance of our digestive system and gut health, immune system and nervous system. HOW?? Let’s dive in a bit more!

As with the other systems in our bodies, our individual microbiome and the digestive system begin to develop at birth. This development largely influences the development of the immune system and when it is disrupted it can lead to allergies, food intolerances, skin rashes like eczema, mood/mental disorders such as ADHD and asthma, to name a few. This is because a large part of the immune system is actually housed IN the gut.

For this reason, it is important to properly develop a good foundation of health starting with the gut at the earliest age possible in order to boost the health of baby, toddler, adolescent and adult. This means that proper gut health begins while mom is pregnant and the delivery of the baby.

Things that can disrupt a healthy microbiome:

  • C- Section
  • Lack of breastfeeding
  • Antibiotics
  • Heavy Metals (from Mama or the environment)
  • Other medications
  • Stress

While some of these things are out of our control, it is important to identify them and address them in order to avoid health challenges in the future. Working with a Naturopathic Medical Doctor empowers you to create the foundations of health for your child and to reverse, early on, what could become lifelong symptoms.

If you are concerned or have further questions about the health of your child’s or your own gut, please don’t hesitate to contact RHMC and pre-book your first appointment today with Dr. Alioto!


Learn more about Naturopathic Medicine and much more in our other blog posts.

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